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KLM seeks CO2-neutral growth

Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:50AM EDT

AMSTERDAM, July 13 (Reuters) - KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, the Dutch arm of Air France KLM (AIRF.PA: Quote, Profile, Research), said on Friday it wants to offset about 4 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over four years, its estimated emissions growth over that period.

"We continue to grow, but that growth will not lead to any additional carbon in the air in the next four years," a KLM spokeswoman said. The airline's current CO2 emissions amount to just under 10 million tons a year.

KLM said it signed an agreement with the Dutch arm of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the first time that such a contract had been signed in the airline industry.

"They will keep us sharp," the KLM spokeswoman said.

"Climate change is one of the biggest threats to people and animals in our time," said Johan van de Gronden, who leads the Dutch arm of WWF. "This agreement with KLM will ... benefit nature directly."

The airline said new, more fuel-efficient aircraft will contribute to keeping emissions stable, adding that it will also lobby for more efficient use of European air space, which would likewise help to slow emissions growth.

"Accelerating the pace of the fleet modernisation and reducing fuel consumption, KLM will succeed in reducing emissions per passenger by 3 percent in 2012, ultimately raising this figure to 17 percent in 2020," the airline said in a statement.

The company would not say what additional costs it expects from the plan.

((Reporting by Niclas Mika; editing by Paul Bolding;; Reuters Messaging:; +31 20 504 5008)) Keywords: KLM/CO2

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